According to StatCounter, Microsoft's Edge browser has now passed Apple's Safari in March 2022 and is still far ahead of Firefox, which is still not catching up. Google's Chrome is the race well ahead.

Google Chrome still ranks first by far with 66.58% of all desktop users. As for Mozilla's Firefox, it holds just 7.87% of the share, which is a significant drop from the 9.18% it held in February. This data was reported by MacRumors. Edge's lead over other browsers varies greatly by location. For example, in the US, Edge lags far behind Safari - Edge only has 12.55% market share while Safari claims 17.1%. In Europe, Edge has long since overtaken Safari, with 11.73% and 9.36%, respectively.

Microsoft Edge has overtaken Apple's Safari to become the world's second most popular desktop browser, according to data provided by web analytics service StatCounter. In February, Microsoft Edge was close to catching up with Safari, with less than half a point (9.54% to 9.84%) between the two browsers in popularity among desktop users. The latest figures from StatCounter show that Edge is now used on 10.07% of desktop computers worldwide, 0.46% more than Safari, which fell to 9.61%.

Firefox lacks the marketing power of its competitors

Firefox never really had much market share initially. And it doesn't have the marketing muscle of Microsoft or Google, which means less brand recognition — and virtually none outside of the tech community, according to Jack Gold, principal analyst at research firm J. Gold Associates. . "So I don't think Firefox will ever be more than a niche 'alternative' to others," Gold said. Of course, Safari's path is primarily that of a default browser on Apple's iPhone and iPad tablet. On these devices, the story is very different. Chrome holds 63.57% share, Safari 24.82%, and other browsers make up the rest.

Some web analytics services have already pushed Edge even further ahead of browsers - with the exception of the still-dominant Chrome. For example, according to the most recent data from Net MarketShare, Chrome holds an impressive market share of 73.24%, Edge 12.93% and Firefox 4.73%. Safari isn't even among the top four browsers.

Safari suffers from lack of updates

Unlike some competing browsers, like Firefox, Apple's updates for Safari are infrequent, with major upgrades only arriving once a year. Most new features are therefore deployed at once. While this may appeal to those who dislike frequent browser updates, it also means that Safari upgrades and/or patches are rare. However, in recent years, Safari has been the subject of many complaints about bugs, user interface and experience, and website compatibility, according to MacRumors.

In March, Apple launched the Safari 15.4 beta, which was supposed to contain more than 70 additional features, such as slow loading images to reduce page load times, a dialog element that represents part of a application that the user interacts with to perform a task, such as a dialog box or window, and "cascade layers" (cascading layer functions), which provide developers with a way to organize style sheets, especially in writing CSS.